For the safety of everyone, the Board expects all members to cooperate in obeying these policies.
- Combination locks have been installed on the gates to the range.
The purpose is to prevent the use of the range by non-members. In order for members in good standing to gain access to the range, they will be given the lock combination, which will be printed on the back of their membership card. Do not give the lock combination to non-members.
- Range ID buttons have been discontinued. Instead, to facilitate identification, members will be supplied with a plastic card holder which can be pinned to their clothing while at the range.
- Members are required to have their membership card with them when using the range and must show it to any member of Forbes or representative of Watervliet Fish and Game Club requesting verification of their membership.
- Members, family members and guests will be required to sign in & out when using the range & show the caliber used. Sign in books will be kept at each range gate.
- A member may bring a guest to shoot or observe one time to see if the club is a possible fit. Members will be held accountable for all guests.
- Members may not shoot at targets beyond 50 yards with sights not properly zeroed in. Sight-in days will be scheduled and special long range sight in targets will be stored in the range house for member’s use as soon as they are obtained.
Practice Times
- The range is open from 8:00AM till dusk for club members only.
- Due to co-location with the Watervliet Fish and Game club, the ranges normally available
are the 200 yard positions and closer, except for the following:
- 300 yard practice: every Tuesday from 8AM-10AM and 4PM-6PM.
- 600 yard practice: every Thursday is 600 yard practice.
- 1000 yard practice: the 1000 yard line is available on a limited set of dates (typically from 8AM-Noon on selected Mondays).
Please consult the Events/Matches pages for the exact dates.
- The ranges will be closed to members during the period scheduled for the NYS Rifle Team Practice
(typically 3 consecutive days in late July).
- The pavilion area of the range is to be considered CLOSED whenever a match is being held.
Range Rules
- Use the range and leave it as you found it.
- No firing across the range – North or South.
- No firing from covered bench area to target pits.
- Fire only at paper targets in approved carriers and frames.
- No automatic firing weapons allowed on the range.
- No skeet, trap or bowling pin shooting allowed on the range.
- Range road from 600 yard line to 300 yard line is closed except during approved club matches.
- Firing points 1-5 are the ONLY firing points that should be used for 300-yard practice.
- All cars at the 300-yard berm must be behind points 1-5 as well.
- Thursday 600-yard practice is single load, slow fire only.
- Use road access through rear of Watervliet Clubhouse.
- Speed limit is 5 mph (strictly enforced).
- No all-terrain vehicles allowed on range property.
- No hunting or trapping allowed on club grounds.
- Do not drive over range firing points or berms.
- Eye and ear protection must be worn by persons on the range.
- Individuals who are using the range and are unable to present their membership cards will be asked to leave.
- Members may bring the same guest to the range one time only.
- Any member who observes dangerous or improper conduct by a member or guest is authorized to direct the
person/persons to leave club property. The incident shall be reported to a club officer as soon as possible.
- No tracer, armor piercing or incendiary ammo allowed on the range.
- Caliber diameters above .35 are not allowed.
- .50 BMG caliber ammunition is not allowed.
- Muzzle Brakes
- NRA rules prohibit use of muzzle brakes during matches.
- Use of muzzle brakes at other times will be permitted only under the following conditions:
- The muzzle brake-equipped rifle(s) must be positioned on the far left side of the range and at least 2 empty firing points must be maintained between any other shooters.
- Shields of substantial construction may also be used to reduce the noise level and other effects of the redirected gas and pressure, such as flying debris